Matt Keezer Wiki, Matthew Keezer Wiki information

Matthew Keezer
3 min readMar 9, 2021


Who is Matt / Matthew Keezer ?

When considering today’s experts in the field of travel, one can’t overlook Matt Keezer. Born and raised in Montreal, Canada during the early 80’s Matt spent most of his early years sitting behind a computer while focusing on new technology as it came out. But that’s not to see that he was a shut-in. Matt also spent a significant amount of time playing sports and interacting with his friends.

Matt Keezer

Matt’s knowledge of computer technology paid off when, at the young age of 13, he launched his first BBS service. For those who are not familiar with computer terminology, a BBS was the pre-Internet equivalent of today’s modern websites. This provided Keezer with the experience needed in order to develop a number of computer-related items that were well-received by the new users of this rapidly-growing technology. This became a passion that Matt pursues to this very day.

Matt’s passion and talent for computer technology continues all throughout his high school years. Observing his son’s technical proclivities, Matt’s father began to encourage him to include entrepreneurship amongst his interests. As such, Matthew Keezer began designing and building computers for the various families in his neighborhood. He also included part-time PC repair and network configuration for a local PC solutions company amongst his activities.

When it was time to consider entering college Matt, a first, was a bit hesitant. It seems that classroom study posed more of a distraction than a source of enlightenment for him. However, Keezer overcame his trepidation and thus entered Concordia University where he majored in computer science.

However, his interest in creating useful and entertaining computer software took precedence over university studies. Therefore, by 2001, along with a couple of volunteers and his small student budget, Matt Keezer created a successful online role-playing game. This venture took off and became one of the early examples of online games in which thousands of players could interact simultaneously. Although this project would be considered small by today’s stands, nevertheless it was an impressive achievement for its time.

A few years later, Matt, along with his associates, went on to establish the “FlightHub” group, which became one of the largest travel companies in North America. When asked why he got into travel, his answer was simple and to the point. He stated, “I’ve been an aviation and computer fanatic since I was a child, so this was an easy decision”. After officially handing over his company to a new management group, Matt still remains as a passive investor in its operations. He was able to do this while resting assured that the company he helped start is now in good hands.

Currently, Matthew Keezer has returned to his roots by building a new video game company. It’s something that he feels driven to do as it remains “unfinished business” in his mind. However, these days he is armed with greater resources and a comprehensive wealth of experience. Matt is quick to say that he is completely focused on the online role-playing multiplayer genre. He also states that he is hopeful and optimistic that with the right team building the game, the efforts will lead to something that millions of players can enjoy and benefit from. Matt knows that this type of optimism has historically led to some of technology’s greatest achievements.

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